Executive Committee

Simon Burkhalter


Bachelor Biochemistry

Léonard Schacher

Co-president   Snow Sport Weekend & asep 

Master Pharmacy

Ruben Garnhartner

vice president & finances

BAchelor Biochemistry

annalena jäggi

social media and secretariate

Master pharmacy

Aline Rüttimann

Social Media

Master Pharmacy

Jari Röthlisberger

Social Media

Master Pharmacy

Isabella Doki


Bachelor Biochemistry

Kathrin Pesterev

Design & Snow Sport Weekend

MASTER pharmacy

Xavier Lopes

Webmaster & Sponsoring

Bachelor Chemie

Alexa Wüthrich

Event management

Master Pharmacy

Perrine nagel

Graduation celebration

MASTER pharmacy

Miléna Wüthrich

Snow Sport Weekend

MASTER pharmacy

Yara von Ah

Lab coat sales

Bachelor Chemistry

Olivia Perrig

event management

Bachelor Pharmazie

Sven Morgenthaler

Lab coat sales

Bachelor Chemistry 

Rafaela Feuz

Delegate Department  (DCBP) & Faculty of Sciences 

Bachelor Biochemistry

Michael Misteli

Delegate Department  (DCBP) & Faculty of Sciences 

Master Biochemistry

To be Filled

Observer asep

To be Filled


To be Filled

Career Service


If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at any time